Friday, 20 July 2012

Radio Clype Programmes "Let's travel!" [4]

Click on the image to listen to the Radio Clype programmes
Two different kinds of radio programmes were made during the two years.  One during the mobilities to Paris (January 2011, January 2012): French students interviewed their guests (students and teachers) about the visits they had made, the host families, their impressions, and the activities in Paris. These interviews were carried out within the studio of Radio Clype in Paris.  The other programme was made in each country and sent to France: in 2011, the students of the seven counties described a famous touristic place worth visiting, in English and their mother tongue. In 2012, students recorded one or several traditional recipes of their country or region.

Thursday, 19 July 2012

Comenius Song "Let's travel!"

Zabrze, Poland (November 2011)

The Comenius song was composed (music and lyrics in French) by a group of French students and a teacher to welcome their guests on the first mobility to Paris. It was then used as a common link and a sort of hymn during the mobilities. It was translated into English by the Polish team and then into Catalan by the Spanish team; it was sung on the Day of Europe, May 9th 2012, during the last mobility to Spain.

Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Pen Friends' Activity

The Pen Friends' activity has produced uncountable results: from students’ profiles, introduction letters, descriptions of places and travel journals until spontaneous chatting to mutual knowledge and travel –mobility- experiences.  The most part of these students’ writings can be found on the Project Blog, on the Blogs in Foreign Languages, on TwinSpace and on Facebook.

Monday, 9 July 2012

The TwinSpace Project "Let's travel!"

The TwinSpace Project "Let's travel! Mailing Europe" has become an outcome which –like the Project Blog- contains a very representative visualisation of team working and communication: more than 300 pupils’ and more than 40 teachers’ profiles, mailbox and a collection of all project activities and mobilities (files, sound and video archive; pictures galleries, blogs and wikis).

Friday, 6 July 2012

Blogs in Foreign Languages: English, French and German Blog

In order to foster competences in foreign languages and ICT by taking Tourism as a topic we created three Blogs: an English Blog (Let’s travel in English!), a French Blog (En voyage!) and a German Blog (Lasst uns reisen!).  They contain students’ introductions and writings about themselves and their experiences of travelling, descriptions of places and online resources for learning foreign languages through the Internet.  

Comenius Let's Travel! Final Report: Summary

The total number of mobilities done during the two project years has been 249.  In fact, there have been done 54 more mobilities than planned on application stage.  Thanks to the project “Let’s Travel!” there have been done 149 students’ and 100 teachers’ mobilities.  We have managed to ensure that mobilities were organized to maximise the benefits for both students and teachers at the seven European partner schools, including the one in Turkey.

The most part of common activities done by students and teachers have been uploaded on our project Blog “Let’s Travel! Tourism, another way of learning”  and on TwinSpace.  Students and teachers have developed basic and entrepreneurial skills: foreign languages and communication, cultural interaction and dialog, ICT management, learning to learn, team and individual work, creativity, self-confidence and self-consciousness, autonomy, initiative, motivation, etc.  

Through activities and mobilities partner schools and education and local communities have become aware of travelling as a quality learning and teaching opportunity for students and teachers.
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