Tuesday, 23 November 2010

"Hey there!" (Mobility to Paris)

My name is Gabriela, but everybody calls me Gabi. I’m 15 years old (in December I’m turning 16) and I live on an island in the Mediterranean called Minorca.

I’ve got long ginger wavy hair. I’m pale and I’ve got freckles. My eyes are brown and kind of big. Although I’m thin, I used to play rugby and basketball and I’m in good shape.

I’m a calm person and I don’t like being in trouble. I prefer watching some sci-fi films or series or reading a comic than going out. I’m rather shy, but I like meeting new people. Some people think I’m eccentric and I am. That’s because I’m sort of bigoted, adventurous, competitive, complex, critical with myself, curious, dreamy, I try to be educated and I’m idealistic.

Gabi is travelling to Paris

Friday, 19 November 2010

Cultural walks and visits - In the route of the historic villages of Portugal

Because we also make tourism in our own country, we were on 13 and 14 of November, to make a route of historic villages of Idanha - a- Nova, Portugal.

Our classe of technical and Enviromnental Rural Tourism, which is involved in our project,ilustrated well the name of the project by learning the contents of some of its disciplines as tourists!

History, rural developmen were topics discussed.

We participate in a tour mycological and a festival of traditonal products.

Await you here in May to share our heritage.

Thursday, 18 November 2010

Pen Friends, Project Blog & Blogs for Foreign Languages (I)

School year 2010 - 2011
1. Introduction
2. Description of a touristic place (April)
3. Typical food (May / June)

School year 2011 -2012

4. Last Summer Hoolidays (1st Term)
5. Traditions (Desember / January)
6. Description of a trip to Europa or in
your own country (February / March)
7. Invitation letter (April / May)

Wednesday, 17 November 2010

Calendar ("Let's travel! 2012")

Dear colleagues and partners,

My name is Maria Paola and I am a graphic teacher at I.I.S. ORFINI FOLIGNO .
It is an honor for me and for my students to be involved in this interesting project and we hope to confirm your hopes and expectations !

I would like to give some information about the Calendar that our school is going to project, so that you can start producing each contribute .
Each country will have 2 pages ( two months) that will be filled with each school contribution according to the following table:


Each page ( each month) will cover a topic :
• one page ( month) is about a popular feast or local event
• another page ( month) should be a sort of touristic promotion of your town, region…..

Italian students will think about the planning, the graphic design and the implementation of the calendar that is to say we will study size, layout and graphics of the whole calendar.

In this way, the calendar will have a coordinated image visually recognizable but
each page will be “personalized” trying to be closer to the style of the country of reference.

The possibilities are endless, and we need to get to work and prepare the material .

In order to illustrate the topic you can send photos or you can choose other different artistic techniques such as collages, drawings, paintings and so on. In this case you need to take pictures of these works and send us in JPEG format.

Please prepare :
- 2 texts in Word, font Arial 12, with non more than 100/130 words (1 text for each topic)
- 12 photos ( six for each page ) eventually in order of preference , JPEG format,
minimum resolution 300 dpi
- your school logo in JPEG format, minimum resolution 150 dpi
I ask you to send me this material before the end of FEBRUARY (deadline), so that our students can work and present some samples of the calendar when you come to Italy .

Thank you
Maria Paola

Festes de Sant Joan de Ciutadella de Menorca

Paris (Arrival: Sunday 30th January – Departure: Friday 4th February)

Foligno (from 27th March to 1st of April)

Dear friends and collegues,

also if we are really busy carrying on the activitities it's time to think about the meeting in Italy.
It will be from 27th March to 1st of April. In order to organize your staying here in Foligno could you please tell us how many students and teachers will come ?

Looking forward to meeting you all in Italy
best regards
Gabriella and Elisabetta

Seeds & Plants (Natural Park "S'albufera d'Es Grau" - Menorca)

Dear teachers and students!
From Spain we (my students and me) are working since 3 weeks about the project of seeds. Last week we went to Albufera d’Es Grau Natural Park, one day with a class group and another day with the other class group. We have collected seeds from natural ecosystems in Menorca: sand dune ecosystems, pine forest, some bush ecosystems and wetlands. At the same time we are studying floristic composition and ecosystem structure. The students have taken pictures from each plant, with flowers and fruits. At the laboratory we are treating the seeds, we are extracting seeds from fruits and we are putting them in paper envelopes. At the computer class we are looking for the scientific name and the popular name in Portuguese, Spanish, Catalan, English, Polish, Italian, French and Turkish language.
I think everything will be ready in 2 weeks. At the beginning of December, we will send the seeds to Portugal. Bruno, is it ok to you? Or do you think it is too late? Working with students is so slow!! But they are learning a lot!!! I’m very glad!! They are working hard and hopefully. And they are waiting to go to Ferreira do Zezere to see the garden and to meet all of you!

Best wishes!

Thursday, 11 November 2010


Teachers coming to Paris will take part in a live programme on February 2nd in the morning.

The first programme will be 35 minutes long (5 minutes for each country) and will be about a famous place in your town that you would like everybody to visit and that you want to promote. The title might be “Come and visit…”


a five- minute -long mp3 audio file with: 1) A soundtrack at the beginning and at the end. 2) a quick presentation of the class (or students) and the school. 3) Then talk about the place (you can include extracts from interviews, songs…), its history, or whatever you like. Each part of your presentation should be separated by a jingle. 4) Conclude by saying that you want all the tourists to come and visit this famous place.

The audio file may be created in any language, but a part should be done in your mother tongue!

Deadline: January 4th

Penfriends in French

Number of Students
DE – Germany

ES – Spain
Lluc Pons
Foreign Languages
FR – France

IT – Italy

PL – Poland

PT - Portugal

TR – Turkey

Pefriends in German



Number of Students





DE – Germany

ES – Spain

Miquel Pons





Foreign Languages














FR – France

IT – Italy

PL – Poland

PT - Portugal

TR – Turkey

Tuesday, 9 November 2010

"Plants travel around Europe"

Lago Trasimero

Hello everyone

we would like to inform you all that our work about plants has already started. We are looking for typical plants in our area and we are going early to send seeds to Portugal. We have chosen some aromatic plants growing in our garden or in the mountains around Foligno.

They are called: maggiorana, timo, rosmarino, santoreggia, salvia and zafferano. All these plants grown wild or are cultivated in our region, Umbria, or near our town Foligno. Then we have chosen the products of the earth that are part of our gastronomic tradition; these products are cultivated in particular areas around our region, Umbria. They are called: Broccoletto del Trasimeno, Fagiolina del Trasimeno, Cicerchia, Cipolla di Cannara, Fagiolo di Cave, Farro, Lenticchia di Castelluccio, Patata rossa di Colfiorito. Trasimeno is a big lake near Perugia, the capital of our region. Cannara, Cave, Castellucio, Colfiorito are very small villages near Foligno.

Now we are collecting informations about these plants and we are preparing seeds......


The Garden in Portugal

Hello friends

Finally the project activities are taking place in our school.
We are renovating our green house, with our students, to receive your seeds and then germinate them. It is a complicated process since the renewal of the green house (which was no longer used for many years) is costly and laborious, but with the efforts of school management and the work and motivation of our students, the green house must be ready at the end of this month.

So it is time to ask you to send us the seeds! 6 species, which may be of vegetable, ornamental plants, trees, since they are typical in your country. The plants you use to cook, plants that are in your gardens, trees from your woodland.

Should always send 6 to 10 seeds, since it is not always easy to germinate some species.
Along with the seeds I ask you to send me some basic information about the plant, so that our students and Menorca students, discretion and begin studying the plants for editing the book.

I will publish on the blog photos of the renovation works of the greenhouse, and the space where the garden will be installed.

Finally, time limits, I ask you to send me the seeds by the end of December, to the address of the school, who want to choose to send live plants, you can do it in general meeting in May.

Best regards
Bruno Paixão

Let's travel in English


Students' Introductions

My name's Yannick, I come from Mallorca and I'm sixteen years old. Now I live in Mahón, a little city in Menorca.

I'm 175 cm tall and I'm thin. I have an oval face with a pointed nose. My eyes are dark brown and I wear glasses. I have acne sometimes, I hate it. I also have braces on my teeth. I try to be clean-shaved. I've got short dark hazel straight hair. I usually wear baggy or sport clothes.

I think I'm a bit shy and not very sociable, but when I know people I'm easy going and a good friend. I'm ambitious with my future and I know that I have to work hard, perhaps that's one of my worse faults, I'm a bit dreamy. I like being investigative, I'm too curious perhaps. I also try to be helpful with people. I don't think I'm a romantic person. All in all, I'm high-spirited and a little bit eccentric.

We're five in my family: my parents, my two brothers and I. My father's Joan and he works in a bank, but he studied biology. My mother's name is Pilar, she's a housewife but she was a teacher. My brothers are Eric and Erwan. Eric is thirteen years old and Erwan only eight. My grandpa is also called Joan and lives in Mallorca with my grandma, Geneviève, who comes from France. My other grandma is called Pilar too, her husband was called Pedro and died long ago.

I have many hobbies. I've played tennis for seven years. I also enjoy drawing. My favourite books are the Millenium Trilogy. I love playing on my PS3. I don't have much time for all these hobbies because I must study hard.

Let's travel in French


Présentations élèves

Salut! Je suis Albert.

J’habite à Minorque. Je suis né à Maó, un village de mon île, le 17 juillet 1993, j’ai 17 ans. Minorque est une île calme et très jolie qui a une population de 80.000 habitants. En été il y a beaucoup de tourisme étranger et national.

Ma famille habite avec moi à Maó, chez moi nous sommes : ma mère qui travaille à l’hôpital général de la comarque, mon père qui travaille comme comptable dans une entreprise de bijoux, et moi.

Je parle tout le temps le catalan, ma langue maternelle, mais je parle l’espagnol aussi. À l’école j’ai appris l’anglais comme matière obligatoire et le français comme matière optionnelle. Je peux expliquer un peu la situation linguistique de ma région. A mon avis, le catalan est la langue propre de ma région et celle qui doit prévaloir. Je suis un partisan de l'indépendance, je suis partisan des Pays Catalans.

Mes loisirs sont: jouer de la guitare, dessiner et jouer au tennis. J'aime écouter de la musique, surtout le pop rock. Mes groupes de musique préférés sont Marron 5 et Obrint Pas.

Habituellement je vais toujours au lycée les matins, sauf le week-end. Le lycée où j'étudie s'appelle I.E.S. Joan Ramis i Ramis. L’après midi j’étudie pour les examens. Mon temps libre je l’occupe à jouer de la guitare et écouter musique.

Ma classe est 2ème BAC. C, nous sommes vint éleves, mais, en cours de français nous sommes trois élèves, et nous avons quatre heures de français à la semaine. Les cours au lycée commencent à huit heures du matin et finissent à deux ou trois heures l'après-midi. J'ai dix matières dont quatre sont optionelles.

J’aimerai trouver un/e correspondant/e pour pratiquer le français.

Contactez avec moi!

Let's travel in German

12. Klasse /2. Batxillerat

Vorstellunsbriefe der Schüler/innen

Wie geht's dir? Ich heiβe Kassandra, ich bin siebzehn Jahre alt und wohne in Maó bei meiner Familie. Meine Mutter heiβt Elvira, sie ist einudvierzig Jahre alt und Katalanischlehrerin von Beruf. Mein Vater heiβt Jesús, er ist vierundvierzig und Verkäufer. Ich habe eine kleinere Schwester, sie heiβt Ariadna. Ariadna ist vierzehn Jahre alt, sie ist auch wie meine Freundin. Sie ist sehr hübsch und kocht gern. Sie macht sehr gute Kuchen!
Ich segele gern, es ist sehr lustig! Ich habe ein Boot zusammen mit einer Freundin aus Ciutadella und wir treffen uns samstags zum Segeln. Wir reisen zum Beispiel nach Palma oder Eivissa zu Wettkämpfen und wir treffen da viele junge Leute.
Ich gehe ans Gymnasium „Joan Ramis i Ramis“, ich finde es gut. Ich habe viele Leute kennengelernt. Ich habe fünf Jahre Deutsch in der Shule gelernt, und ich mag Deutsch. Ich finde es sehr interessant aber ein Bisschen schwer. Letztes Jahr sind wir nach Berlin gereist, es war wunderbar...
Das ist ein normaler Tag in meinem Leben: Morgens in die Schule gehen, zu Hause mit der Familie essen und ein Bisschen fernsehen. Abends gehe ich zum Gym und nachher mache ich meine Hausaufgaben.
Und wie ist deine Familie? Hast du Hobbys? Wie ist dein Alltag?
Screib mir bitte mal!

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