My name is Sarah, and I'm 16 years old. I was born in Montpellier, a sunny city in the south of France, and now I live in Paris.
I've got two olders brothers who don't live with me, with me there is also my father and his wife. And my so nice grey cat :).
My mother lives in the middle of France and I go see her during school holidays.
I like readind some books and listening to music when I'm at home, but I'm not often at home because I practise basket-ball with my best friend two evenings in the week, and I have a match all sundays. I'm crazy about this game, I have been playing since I was a young girl and all my family practise it. And more, I love going to the cinema with my friends, or having a good time in a park with them.
I'm very interested to discover other countries, and I will be in Portugal in may, with other french friends, I'm very impatient and excited about the idea to meet other comenius team's people !