Thursday, 2 December 2010

Pen Friends, Project Blog and Blogs for Foreign Languages (II)

Dear Colleagues,

I have already introduced you Yannick and Gabi, two of our four students who are going to travel to Paris in February. I’m going to do the same with the other two students, Karina and Dani. They have already written their own introduction letters and I’m going to publish them in the Project Blog. I'll also send you the email adress of this four students as soon as possible. On the other side, we are three teachers travelling to Paris. I have joined the group myself.

Can your mobitity students to Paris or to Foligno in April please do the same? Let them please write an introduction letter about themselves (name, origin, family, hobbies, school, interests…) in order to post them in the Project Blog. This will be a way so that mobility students get to know each other. It would also be very nice if hosting students in Paris and Foligno wrote an introduction letter too.

You can publish any other students’ writings in the blogs for foreign languages (English, French and German). Maybe we should also think about the possibility of creating another blog, a Spanish Blog, since at least Portuguese and French students are learning Spanish as a foreign language.

Finally we are also thinking about the convenience of using eTwinning as a platform in order to bring our students in contact via Email. In that case you should first of all register yourselves in this website. As far as I know Burkhard has already created a profile. If all teachers participating in the pen friends activity had a profile in eTwinning, we could also register our students and they could then communicate.

Best wishes!
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